The Clarity grade labels the diamond for the presence and severity of flaws. No
diamond is 100% perfect. With enough magnification you can find a flaw in the cleanest
Diamonds are created in the subterranean pressure of the Lithosphere. Under these
extreme conditions, some alien elements like air bubbles may become trapped in the
diamond. Other flaws can originate while cutting and polishing the stone.
Diamonds are graded on a scale of eleven levels from F - Flawless to I – some inclusions
visible to the naked eye. The gemologist will grade the stone considering the size
and proportion of the flaw within the stone. How many flaws are there? How visible
are they? More than one inclusion or many reflections will lower the grade.
Clarity is graded under 10 times magnification. At RAPLAB® looking and evaluating
the stone with a 10x loupe, our gemologists also examine the diamonds under a gem-microscope
to locate spots they missed. After examining with a microscope they check the stone
again with 10x magnification in order to decide if these findings need to be mention
as inclusions.
Flawless. No internal or external imperfections under x10.
Internally Flawless. No internal imperfections under 10x. Might have some insignificant
exterior blemishes which can be removed by slim polish work.
Very Very Slight Included. The flaw is so little it is really hard to locate even
under 10x magnifier.
The Inclusion can be located from side facets or culet just but it is not visible from table up.
Very Very Slight Included
Very Slight Included. Contain minor inclusions that range from difficult to somewhat
easy to see under 10x magnification. Typical VS inclusions are small crystals, feathers
or distinct clouds. In some rare cases, a VS stone can contain an eye visible inclusion.
Very Slight Included
Very Slight Included
Slight Included. The flaws are easily spotted with 10x magnification. After finding
a flaw you might catch it with your naked eye without magnification.
Slight Included
Slight Included
Slight Included (some gem lab call SI3 a high I1 or SI2-).
Included. The flaw is visible to the naked eye without magnification.
Single flaw. Hard to see but have some reflections so it Interfere the transparency
Some flaws interfering with the transparency and glossiness over about half of the stone
Many flaws over most of the stone interfering with the transparency and glossiness
until the stone is seen as “dead”